Software für den VC20
Auf dieser Seite findest Du eine Liste aller bekannten VC 20 Module. Es gibt natürlich noch einige Nachbauten der Speichererweiterungen, aber insgesamt ist diese Liste eine gute Übersicht.

- - - = ( VIC-20 Cartridge Rarity & Gameplay listing ) = - - -
                  By Ward F. Shrake and Paul A. Le Brasse
                  Version 1.9m, released June 6, 1998

    Explanation of codes used. (Some may differ from what you're used to.)
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   S    Super-Common        Reserved for a few carts that seem to show up
                            everywhere, always. No shortage of these! These
                            could be great on gameplay, so don't be harsh...
   C    Common              Generally a semi easy-to-find Vic20 cartridge...
                            but Vic20's might be harder to find than carts
                            for other classic systems, at least at present.
   U    Uncommon            This means average/middle difficulty in finding.
   R    Rare                Takes a bit of hard work to locate one of these.
                            You'll probably end up searching the Inet for it
                            unless you get really lucky on a thrifting trip.
   ER   Extremely Rare      Nearly impossible to find. May be frustrating!
                            We reserved this category for carts we've only
                            seen 1 or 2 of total, everywhere we've looked.
                            More could show up in time, as more people start
                            to collect for the Vic20. For now, its difficult.
   PR   Prototype only      This category is new, as of version 1.8 of this
                            list. It describes carts that, so far as we can
                            tell, were never released as a production item
                            but that do definitely exist in prototype form.
                            Needless to say, these carts are incredibly rare.
   NR   Never Released      We used to use this category when we had seen or
                            heard of a cart that *might* exist. Please note
                            that we handle them differently now. We first put
                            them in the separate "vaporware" section until
                            someone out there finds one, at which time we
                            move it up to "confirmed but unarchived" on a
                            verbal confirmation. They climb up to the upper
                            section of this list only when we have digitally
                            archived the cart's ROM image for posterity. (In
                            other words, if it is in the upper part of this
                            list, you can likely find a ROM image for it on
                            the Internet, no matter how rare or unique a cart
                            may be. And yes, there are Vic20 emulators, too.)

                                                            Rarity code
                                                      Size       |
                                                        |   Game        Year
Company     Cartridge name                  Part#           play       made
Academy     IFR (Flight Simulator)                        8k   B     R   1983
Atarisoft   Pac-Man                         [RX8501]      8k   C+    C   1983
Atarisoft   Centipede                       [RX8504]     16k   C     S   1983
Atarisoft   Defender                        [RX8507]     16k   A-    C   1983
Atarisoft   Dig Dug                         [RX8510]     16k   B     C   1983
Atarisoft   Donkey Kong                     [RX8513]     16k   B     C   1983
Atarisoft   Robotron: 2084                  [RX8520]     12k   B-    C   1983
Atarisoft   Jungle Hunt                     [RX8529]     16k   B-    C   1984
Atarisoft   Moon Patrol                     [RX8532]     16k   B-    C   1983
Atarisoft   Pole Position                   [RX8535]     16k   B+    C   1983
Atarisoft   Galaxian                        [RX8541]      8k   C+   ER   1984
Atarisoft   Ms. Pac-Man                     [RX8544]     16k   C+    C   1983
Atarisoft   Battlezone                      [RX8547]     16k   B-    U   1983
Beyond      Mountain King                                16k   A+    R   1983
Boone       Cyclon                                        8k   A    PR   1983
Broderbund  A.E.                            [Viccart-___]16k   B     R   1982
Broderbund  Lode Runner                     [Viccart-___]16k   B+    U   1983
Broderbund  MasterType                      [Viccart-221]16k   B-    R   1983
Broderbund  SeaFox                          [Viccart-___]16k   B    ER   1983
Broderbund  Skyblazer                       [Viccart-___]16k   A    ER   1983
CBS Soft.   K-Razy Antiks                   [22107]      12k   B+    C   1982
CBS Soft.   K-Star Patrol                   [22108]      16k   B+    C   1982
Commodore   Avenger  (Vic Avenger)          [Vic-1901]    8k   C+    S   1981
Commodore   Star Battle                     [Vic-1902]    8k   B+    R   1981
Commodore   Slot  (Super Slot)              [Vic-1904]    8k   C     C   1981
Commodore   Jelly Monsters                  [Vic-1905]    8k   A     R   1981?
Commodore   Alien  (Super Alien)            [Vic-1906]    8k   C     C   1981
Commodore   Jupiter Lander                  [Vic-1907]    8k   B     C   1981?
Commodore   Poker  (Draw Poker)             [Vic-1908]    8k   C     C   1981
Commodore   Midnight Drive  (Road Race)     [Vic-1909]    8k   C-    C   1981
Commodore   Radar Rat Race                  [Vic-1910]    8k   B+    C   1981
Commodore   The Sky is Falling              [Vic-1911]    8k   B-    C   1981
Commodore   Mole Attack                     [Vic-1912]    8k   C     C   1981
Commodore   Raid on Fort Knox (Bank Robber) [Vic-1913]    8k   C     C   1982
Commodore   Adventure Land Adventure        [Vic-1914]   16k   B-    C   1981
Commodore   Pirate's Cove Adventure         [Vic-1915]   16k   B-    C   1981
Commodore   Mission Impossible Adventure    [Vic-1916]   16k   B-    C   1981
Commodore   The Count Adventure             [Vic-1917]   16k   B-    C   1981
Commodore   Voodoo Castle Adventure         [Vic-1918]   16k   B-    C   1981
Commodore   Sargon II Chess                 [Vic-1919]    8k   C     C   1982?
Commodore   Pinball (or ...Spectacular)     [Vic-1920]   16k   C+    C   1982
Commodore   Super Smash                     [Vic-1921]    8k   C     C   1982
Commodore   Cosmic Cruncher                 [Vic-1922]    8k   B     S   1982
Commodore   Gorf                            [Vic-1923]    8k   B-    S   1982
Commodore   Omega Race                      [Vic-1924]    8k   A-    S   1982
Commodore   Money Wars                      [Vic-1925]    8k   C+    C   1982
Commodore   Menagerie                       [Vic-1926]    8k   C-    C   1982?
Commodore   Cosmic Jailbreak                [Vic-1927]    8k   C     C   1982
Commodore   Home Babysitter                 [Vic-1928]    8k   C-    C   1982
Commodore   Personal Finance (utility cart) [Vic-1929]    8k   NA    U   1982
Commodore   Visible Solar System            [Vic-1930]    8k   C     C   1982
Commodore   Clowns                          [Vic-1931]    8k   C+    C   1982
Commodore   Garden Wars                     [Vic-1932]    8k   C     C   1982
Commodore   Speed Math & Bingo Math         [Vic-1933]    8k   C-    C   1982
Commodore   Commodore Artist                [Vic-1935]    4k   C     U   1982
Commodore   Sea Wolf                        [Vic-1937]    8k   B-    U   1982
Commodore   Tooth Invaders                  [Vic-1938]    8k   C+    U   1983
Commodore   Star Post                       [Vic-1939]    8k   C     U   1982?
Commodore   Number Nabber, Shape Grabber    [Vic-1941]    8k   NA    U   1982
Creative    Apple Panic                     [VI AP C]    12k   C     C   1982
Creative    Astroblitz                      [VI AB C]     4k   B-    C   1982
Creative    Black Hole                      [VI BH C]     4k   B     U   1982
Creative    Choplifter                      [VI CL C]     8k   A     C   1982
Creative    Household Finance               [VI HF C]     8k   NA    U   1983
Creative    In the Chips                    [VI CH C]    16k   C     R   1983
Creative    Pipes                           [VI PI C]     8k   C     R   1983
Creative    Rat Hotel                       [VI RH C]?    8k   B-    U   1982
Creative    Serpentine                      [VI __ C]     8k   B     C   1982
Creative    Spills and Fills                [VI SF C]     8k   C     R   1983
Creative    TerraGuard                      [VI TG C]     4k   C+    C   1982
Creative    Trashman                        [VI TM C]     8k   B+    C   1982
Creative    Videomania                      [VI VM C]     4k   C     C   1982
Daedalus    Baldor's Castle                              12k   C+   ER   1983
Epyx        Fun with Music                                8k   B    ER   1983
Epyx        Monster Maze                                  8k   C+    U   1982
Handic      A World at War                                8k   C-   ER   198_
Handic      Space Snake                                   8k   D    ER   1982
HES         Vic FORTH        (utility cart) [C301]        8k   NA    C   1982
HES         HesMon           (utility cart) [C302]        8k   NA    C   1982
HES         Turtle Graphics                 [C303]        8k   NA    C   1982
HES         HesWriter        (utility cart) [C304]        8k   NA    U   1982
HES         Aggressor                       [C305]        8k   C     U   1982
HES         Synthesound      (utility cart) [C306]        8k   NA    U   1982
HES         Shamus                          [C307]        8k   A     U   1983
HES         Protector                       [C308]        8k   B-    R   1983
HES         Robot Panic                     [C310]        8k   B     R   1982
HES         Gridrunner                      [C312]        4k   B+    C   1982
HES         Predator                        [C316]        8k   B+    R   1982
HES         Attack of the Mutant Camels     [C318]        8k   A     R   1983
HES         Pharaoh's Curse                 [C321]       16k   A     R   1983
HES         Kindercomp                      [C322]       16k   NA    R   1983
HES         Story Machine                   [C323]       12k   NA   ER   1983
HES         Facemaker                       [C324]        8k   NA    R   1983
HES         Kids on Keys                    [C325]        8k   NA    R   1983
HES         Alphabet Zoo                    [C326]       16k   NA    R   1982
HES         Lazer Zone                      [C3__]        8k   A     R   1983
HES         Maze                            [C3__]        8k   C+    R   1983
HES         Mosquito Infestation            [C3__]        4k   B-    R   1982
HES         Satellite Patrol                [C3__]        4k   B-    R   1982
Imagic      Demon Attack                    [720050-1A]   4k   A     C   1983
Imagic      Atlantis                        [720051-1A]   4k   A     C   1983
Imagic      Dragonfire                      [720052-1A]   8k   B+    U   1983
Koala Tech. Dancing Bear                                 16k   C+   ER   1983
Mach. Lang. Amazing Maze                                  4k        ER   198_
Mach. Lang. Dot Gobbler                                   4k   A-   ER   198_
MSD         Mobile Attack                                 8k   C+   ER   198_
OEM         Alien Sidestep                                4k   C-   ER   1983
OEM         Bug Crusher                                   4k        ER   1983
Parker      Frogger                         [PB1410]      8k   D     S   1983
Parker      Q*Bert                          [PB1420]      4k   C     C   1983
Parker      Tutankham                       [PB1430]      8k   A     U   1983
Reston      Miner 2049'er                                 8k   A+    R   1983
Romox       Princess & Frog                               8k   C    ER   1983
Romox       Topper                                        8k   B    ER   1983
Romox       Typo                                          8k   C+   ER   1983
Sega        Star Trek  (S.O.S.)             [004-04]      8k   B+    C   1983
Sega        Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom     [005-04]     16k   B-    C   1983
Sega        Congo Bongo                     [006-04]      8k   C     C   1983
Sierra      Crossfire                       [CFL-401]     4k   B+    U   1981
Sierra      Lunar Leeper                    [LLL-401]    12k   A     R   1981
Sierra      Threshold                       [THL-401]     8k   A     R   1981
Sierra      Cannonball Blitz                [CBL-401]    12k   B-    R   1982
Sierra      Jawbreaker II                   [JBL-401]     8k   C+    U   1982
Sierra      Creepy Corridors                [CCL-401]     8k   B+    R   1983
Sirius      Deadly Duck                     [220__]       4k   B     R   1982
Sirius      Fast Eddie                      [220__]       8k   C     R   1982
Sirius      Snake Byte                      [22031]       4k   C     R   1982
Sirius      Turmoil                         [22005]       8k   B     U   1982
Sirius      Type Attack                     [22010]       8k   B     R   1982
Sirius      Bandits                         [220__]       8k   B+    U   1983
Sirius      Capture the Flag                [220__]       8k   B+    R   1983
Sirius      Final Orbit/Bumper Bash (2 on 1)[220__]       8k   C/B+  R   1983
Sirius      Spider City                     [22015]       4k   B+    R   1983
Spectra.    Ape Escape                      [SC-215]      8k   C+    R   1982
Spectra.    Cave-in                         [SC-207]      8k   C-    R   1982
Supersoft   Tank Atak                                     8k   C    ER   1982
Thorn EMI   River Rescue                    [THC 22001]   8k   C-    C   1982
Thorn EMI   Vic Music Composer              [THC 22002]   8k   NA    U   1982
Thorn EMI   Submarine Commander             [THC 22003]  12k   C     C   1982
Thorn EMI   Mutant Herd                     [THC 22004]   8k   C-    C   1982
Thorn EMI   Fourth Encounter                [THC 22005]   8k   D+    U   1983
Thorn EMI   Computer War                    [THC 22006]   8k   C     R   1983
Thorn EMI   Medieval Joust                  [THC 22007]   8k   C    ER   1983
Thorn EMI   Mine Madness                    [THC 22008]   8k   C-   ER   1983
Tigervision Polaris                         [_-00_-20]    8k   B    ER   1983
Tigervision Springer                        [7-006-20]   16k   C    ER   1983
Tronix      Deadly Skies                                  4k   B+    R   1983
Tronix      Gold Fever                                    4k   C+    R   1983
Tronix      Scorpion                                      8k   B     R   1983
UMI         Alien Blitz                     [1619]        4k   B-    R   1981
UMI         Amok                            [1611]        4k   C     R   1981
UMI         Outworld                        [1635]       16k   B+    R   1981
UMI         Arachnoid                       [16__]       12k   B     R   1982
UMI         Cloudburst                      [1636]        4k   C     R   1982
UMI         Meteor Run                      [1613]        8k   D+    R   1982
UMI         Renaissance                     [1600]       12k   C-    R   1982
UMI         Skibbereen                      [1641]        4k   C+    R   1982
UMI         Satellites and Meteorites       [1650]        8k   A-    R   1982
UMI         Sub Chase                       [16__]        4k   C    ER   1982
UMI         Video Vermin                    [1638]        8k   A     R   1982
UMI         Spiders of Mars                 [1604]       16k   B+    R   198_
UMI         Super Amok                      [1642]        8k   A     R   198_
Xonox       Spike's Peak (GM=2)             [6215]        8k   C+    R   1983
Xonox       Ghost Manor (SP=1)              [6215]        8k   D     R   1983
Xonox       Robin Hood (SL=2)               [6225]        8k   D     R   1983
Xonox       Sir Lancelot (RH=1)             [6225]        8k   C+    R   1983
Xonox       Chuck Norris Superkicks (AD=2)  [6235]        8k   C     R   1983
Xonox       Artillery Duel (CNS=1)          [6235]        8k   B     R   1983
Xonox       Tomarc the Barbarian            [____]        8k   D+   ER   198_

  (Note that Xonox carts sometimes came two-per-case, as "double-enders".
  The initials shown above show what cart was paired with what other cart.
  Part numbers shown above are for the double-ender versions. Cliff Gregory
  positively confirmed all but Tomarc and Sir Lancelot as single-enders; he
  and I both assume they were made as singles. Tomarc must have been, as it
  has no other cart to pair it with, unless there is another double combo?)

           - - - = ( Confirmed but unarchived cartridges ) = - - -

OEM         Blackjack                   Confirmed by:  Charles Bremer
OEM         Space Ric-O-Shay            Confirmed by:  Michael J. Novak jr.
Spectra...  Number Crunch (SC208)       Confirmed by:  ?? via Paul LeBrasse
Unknown     Baseball  (MG-305)          Confirmed by:  Jerry Greiner

                  - - - = ( Vaporware section ) = - - -

20 Century  Flash Gordon        Summer 83 Power Play; press release only. It
                                may have come out as Spider City by Sirius.
Atarisoft   Joust               Name listed in later ads, not in others, so
                                this title was probably one of the last of
                                the planned releases. There are four part
                                numbers missing from the series, with three
                                of those coming towards the end, so this
                                makes sense. There is some confusion in the
                                RX85__ series, but it looks like these holes
                                are 16 or 17, 22 or 23, 25 or 26, and RX8538.
Atarisoft   Mario Bros.         Jimmy Huey said this was once in development.
                                No idea what part number it would have been,
                                aside from it being one of the latter ones,
                                as Stargate apparently is the earliest one.
Atarisoft   Stargate            Name listed in early ads, not in later ads. I
                                am guessing from the part number series that
                                this was intended to be RX8516 or RX8517, as
                                a Robotron (#20) box said Stargate was out
                                already, and the other carts the box listed
                                were shown in perfect "part number" order.
Atarisoft   Typo Attack         Tape? Seen on pg. 31, Sep84 "Compute!" Again,
                                no idea what part number it would have been,
                                but four holes exist, 3 of them later ones.
Boone       Crater Raider       Tape? Seen in full page ad, Oct & Nov 83
                                Compute's Gazette, along with Cyclons (Which
                                was later released as a tape by SoftSmith.)
Broderbund  Martian Raider      Tape? Seen in ad, 7/83 Compute's Gazette
Broderbund  Multi-Sound Sythesizer    Seen in ad, 7/83 Compute's Gazette
Broderbund  Shark Trap          Tape? Seen in ad, 7/83 Compute's Gazette
Commodore   [Vic-1903]          Name needed. Anyone know what it was gonna be?
Commodore   [Vic-1934]          Name needed. Probably an older Bally/Midway.
Commodore   [Vic-1936]          Name needed. Planned as a Commodore original?
Commodore   [Vic-1940]          Name needed. Probably an older Bally/Midway.
                                These four Commodore titles above seem to be
                                really elusive. Some possible titles include
                                Wizard of Wor, Space Vultures, Speed Type,
                                and Electronic Calendar. (These are all names
                                taken from the backs of original Vic20 boxes,
                                but the names don't match any software title
                                as yet known to have been made by Commodore.)
                                I've also been told a BASIC 4.0 cart was once
                                in existence; BASIC 2.0 is what is inside the
                                Vic20's internal ROMs. Commodore also said in
                                early 1984 that a cart called Jack Attack was
                                soon coming out for the C64 and the Vic20.
Commodore   [Vic-2011]          VIC-Stat cartridge, per Jim Brain "CBM list".
Commodore   [Vic-2012]          VIC-Graph cartridge, per Jim Brain "CBM list".
Commodore   [ViC-2013]          VIC-Forth cartridge, per Jim Brain "CBM list".
Creative    Save New York       Press release only, in Jan 85 Computer Games.
                                Most likely only came out for the C64, but...
Datamost    Round About         Unconfirmed, but on other collector's lists.
Epyx        Alien Garden        May 1983 Electronic Games advertisement.
Epyx        PlatterMania        May 1983 Electronic Games advertisement.
First Star  Panic Button        Full review seen in May 84 "Compute!" mag
HES         Fort Apocyalpse     Seen: Ad page 79, Nov83 Compute's Gazette
HES         Necromancer         Seen: 1-line ad, pg111 Dec83 Compute's Gazette
HES         Slime               1-line ad @ $13, pg111 Dec83 Computes Gazette
Jini Micro  Mini Jini           Seen in 1/2 page (99) ad in July 83 Gazette
Oceans Int  Blockbuster         Seen in press release, pg 40, Aug83 Gazette
Oceans Int  Close Encounters    Seen in press release, pg 40, Aug83 Gazette
Oceans Int  Frogman             Seen in press release, pg 40, Aug83 Gazette
Oceans Int  Tank Wars           Seen in press release, pg 40, Aug83 Gazette
                                Note that some of the confirmed carts listed
                                in the section above were once listed as
                                being available from Oceans International.
                                The confirmed copies are either from some
                                other (or simply an unknown) manufacturer.
                                Amazing Maze, Blackjack, Dot Gobbler and
                                Space-Ric-O-Shay were once this way.
Microware   (five titles)       See Tymac company below. Bought them out?
Microware   Key Quest           2-page review seen in Dec83 Compute's Gazette
Parker      Super Cobra         Cliff Gregory saw this listed in a catalog of
                                Parker Brothers games, saying it was going to
                                come out in the fall of 1983, for the Vic20
                                and for other systems. Unconfirmed otherwise.
Protecto    Atari VCS Adapter   Seen in various ads, unconfirmed otherwise.
                                The ads were fancy and expensive looking, but
                                never actually showed pictures of the item.
Quick Brown QuickFinger         Tape? 7/83 1-pg ad, Compute Gazette, pg. 79
Quick Brown QuickMail           Tape? 7/83 1-pg ad, Compute Gazette, pg. 79
Quick Brown QuickSpell          Tape? 7/83 1-pg ad, Compute Gazette, pg. 79
Romox       Anteater            Seen in Oct83 Compute!, page 45. Full page ad
Showcase    Astro Patrol        Tape for sure. Ad pg 91 Dec83 C.Gazette...
Showcase    Chicken             Tape? Ad pg 91 Dec83 C.Gazette, box art only
Showcase    Doughboy            Tape? Ad pg 91 Dec83 C.Gazette, box art only
Showcase    Glub Club           Tape? Ad pg 91 Dec83 C.Gazette, box art only
Showcase    Pussyfootin'        Tape? Ad pg 91 Dec83 C.Gazette, box art only
Showcase    Salmon run          Tape for sure. Ad pg 91 Dec83 C.Gazette...
Showcase    Squeeze             Tape for sure. Ad pg 91 Dec83 C.Gazette...
Sierra      Sammy Lightfoot     Mentioned in Oct 83 Gazette ad, but not in ad
                                for December. Did it only come out on C64?
Sierra      Tronsworld          Unconfirmed, but on other collector's lists.
Sirius      Fantastic Voyage    Seen: summer 83 Power Play
Sirius      Repton              Seen: $25, 1-line ad, pg79, Nov83 C. Gazette
Sirius      Squish'Em           Seen: 1/85 Computer Games
Spinnaker   Story Machine       Seen: 6/84 Power Play ad. (Licensed to HES?)
Spinnaker   Alphabet Zoo        Was this released as a HES cart only? Both? A
                                fair amount of Spinnaker stuff was released
                                by HesWare, and it can get a bit confusing.
Synapse     Harrier             "Available soon" ad, pg 29, 8/83 C. Gazette
TG Software Droids              Tape? Seen in Oct83 Compute!, page 69.
TG Software Nightstrike         Seen: 1/85 Computer Games
Tymac       Bomber word         Seen: 1/84 Compute's Gazette, page 81. (MW?)
Tymac       D'fuse              Seen: 1/84 Compute's Gazette, page 81.
Tymac       Dot-a-lot           Seen: 1/84 Compute's Gazette, page 81. (MW?)
Tymac       Key Quest           Seen: 1/84 Compute's Gazette, page 81. (MW?)
Tymac       Res Q               Seen: 1/84 Compute's Gazette, page 81.
Tymac       Space Bats          Seen: 1/84 Compute's Gazette, page 81.
Tymac       Tic Attack          Seen: 1/84 Compute's Gazette, page 81. (MW?)
Tymac       Zap                 Seen: 1/84 Compute's Gazette, page 81. (MW?)

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        Hardware section. Please note that many of the items found below
        are pure hardware, or are at least more firmware than software.
        Some of them are just plain hard to categorize. Because Jim
        Brain already maintains a huge list of every single thing that
        Commodore ever put out, I see no reason to try to duplicate
        those existing efforts here. This is Vic20 cartridge-port-only
        stuff. (Note that even then, there are grey areas to consider.)

                   - - - = ( Utility cartridges, etc ) = - - -

Arbutus Total   Promqueen                     EPROM programming hardware.
                                              (This plugs into the Vic's user
                                              port, not the cartridge port.)
Cardco          Write Now!                    word processor
Century         Moses                         65C02 assembler, 27 new opcodes
Century         Moses w/ 8K RAM               65C02 assembler, 27 new opcodes
Commodore       Machine Language Monitor      [Vic-1213]       (_k ROM)
Commodore       Programmer's Aid Cartridge    [Vic-1212]       (4k ROM)
Commodore       Super Expander with 3K RAM    [Vic-1211A]      (4k ROM)
Commodore       Victerm 40                    [Vic-1610]       (4k ROM)
Commodore       See game list for titles.     To keep the 19xx number series
                                              as intact as possible, a few
                                              non-game items were listed in
                                              the first section of this list.
Data 20         Display Manager               40/80 column display device
Data 20         Video Pak                     40/80 column display device
Eastern         Vic Rabbit                    datasette accelerator cart
HES             See game list for titles.     To keep the HES cart numbering
                                              system as intact as possible, a
                                              few non-game items are listed in
                                              the first section of this list.
Jason-Ranheim   Promenade                     EPROM programming hardware.
                                              (Plugs into the Vic's user port.
                                              A C64 version was also made.)
Kantronics      Radiotap                      Amateur radio interface item.
Quick Brown Fox Quick Brown Fox               word processor    (8k ROM)
Skyles          Arrow                         datasette accelerator cart
UMI             Wordcraft 20                  [16__]            (16k ROM)

            - - - = ( RAM expansion memory cartridges ) = - - -

                  Notes: I'll just briefly say that this
                  section really needs a lot of work, and
                  leave it at that. Any added info welcome!

Abaris, Inc.    Ram cartridge, 16k           with battery backup
APS             RAM module,    64k
Assembly Tech.  RAM cartridge, 16k
Cardco          "Cardram 16",  16K      Two banks of 8k. One 8-section dip
                                        switch selects where each 8k goes;
                                        four slot choices per each 8k bank.
Century         RAM Cartridge,  8k
Century         RAM Cartridge, 16k
Century         RAM Cartridge, 64k
Commodore       RAM cartridge,  3k      [Vic-1211]
Commodore       RAM cartridge,  8k      [Vic-1110]   Internally, the PC board
                                        seems to be ready to accept another
                                        8k of memory. Could solder more in.
Commodore       RAM cartridge, 16k      [Vic-1111]
Compuscope      RAM cartridge,  8k
Compuscope      RAM cartridge, 16k
MSD, Inc.       RAM cartridge,  8k
Personal...     RAM cartridge,  8k      ...Peripheral Products
RAM electronics RAM cartridge, 32k      Configurable. Marko's was set up to
                                        be a switchable 3k, 0k, 24k set-up.
Stonechip Elec. "Vixen" cart,  16k
UMI             RAM cartridge,  3k
UMI             RAM cartridge,  8k
Xetec           RAM cartridge, 32k      Each 8k bank has an on/off dip switch.

          - - - = ( Expansion chassis or "motherboards" ) = - - -

       (Please note that we are just now beginning to list any features
       that may have been on these items. More may exist on each item.)

Apropos Tech.   RAMAX                   2-slots, with 27k
Apropos Tech.   RAMAX Jr.               2-slots, with 19k
APS             Select-A-Ram            2-slots, with 64k
Cardco          Cardboard 3             3-slots,
Cardco          Cardboard 6             6-slots,
Compuscope      Expander                4-slots,
Compuscope      Supermother             8-slots, pause...
Computer Place  CP Vic-20 Expander      4-slots,
Data Toolbox    Quad-slot               4-slots, reset, fuse
HES             HesCard 20              5-slots, 5 select buttons, reset.
High Tech Ent.  Busmaster               6-slots,
High Tech Ent.  Busmaster II            6-slots, soft enable
High Tech Ent.  Minibus                 3-slots,
Voice World     24K Golden RAM          4-slots,


Letzte Änderung: 2019-01-03 18:19:55
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