Device: TED Part No: 7360/8360 (NTSC-M / PAL-B by same chip) 8365 (PAL-N) 8366 (PAL-M) Display Format: 40x25 text, 320Hx200V bit-map Display Modes: 3 character modes: Standard, Multicolor, Extended 2 bit-mapo modes: HiRes, Multicolor Video Output: 121 color composite Features: 2 voice sound, 8-bit keyport control, Clk doubling, horiz. and vert. scrolling, Raster Compare and 3 timer generated interrupts, hardware cursor blink and reverse video attributes true external DMA and arbitration control Memory Interface:access 64K, transparent DMA, provides system RAS, CAS and MUX Pins: 48 Supply: +5V 1 A2 +---/---+ 48 A3 2 A1 + + 47 A4 3 A0 + + 46 A5 4 Vdd + + 45 A6 5 /CS0 + + 44 A7 6 /CS1 + + 43 A8 7 R/W + + 42 A9 8 /IRQ + + 41 A10 9 MUX + + 40 A11 10 /RAS + + 39 A12 11 /CAS + + 38 A13 12 Phi0 out+ + 37 A14 13 COLOR + + 36 A15 14 Clk in + + 35 AEC 15 K0 + + 34 BA 16 K1 + + 33 Snd 17 K2 + + 32 D7 18 K3 + + 31 D6 19 K4 + + 30 D5 20 K5 + + 29 D4 21 K6 + + 28 D3 22 K7 + + 27 D2 23 Syn/Lum + + 26 D1 24 Vss + + 25 D0 --------
Letzte Änderung: 2019-01-04 13:03:56